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“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"
- Albert Einstein


Many years in the Vocational Education Sector gives the confidence to design solutions to data or process problems you may face.


My goal is to work with and empower your team to improve processes to a point where analysing your business activities is an interactive and entertaining process.  It should not only tell your story but allow you to identify trends that allow for continual improvement.


With a passion for the Vocational Education and Training sector, Anna has worked in a wide range of Registered Training Organisations across a wide range of roles.


Combined with a love for data analysis and experience with Student Management Systems, Anna is a subject matter expert able to immerse herself in your data.  Bespoke strategies can then be tailored to enable streamlined practices whilst simultatenously maximising funding and efficiency


Are you claiming all the funding you are entitled to? 


Do you have access to funding reports designed  specifically for you?


100% confidence when reconciling what your team is saying versus what your Student Management System is reporting?


If you answered no or even maybe to any of these questions, I can help.

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